Windows 10: Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010

Discus and support Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010 in Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance to solve the problem; "Failed to start service WMS. Program C:\Windows\wmi\WmiPrvSE.exe couldn't be launched. CreateProcess() failed: The system cannot find the file... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance' started by pdoth, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. pdoth Win User

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010

    "Failed to start service WMS. Program C:\Windows\wmi\WmiPrvSE.exe couldn't be launched. CreateProcess() failed: The system cannot find the file specified."

    The above event code/message has been been plaguing me in the event log for the last few weeks.

    Can anybody shed any light on this please with some possible solutions/directions ect.


    pdoth, Jan 22, 2018
  2. Zippaks Win User

    PC freeze fully after update once a day


    After I updated my pc to the newest version of windows 10 my pc is getting fully freezed once a day at different times. When that happens I stop hearing sounds, my keyboard and mouse are not responsive and I cant do anything I must restart the pc. I went
    to the event viewer to see what is going on. Then I saw that everytime this happanes I got the same errors going on:

    The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to execute initialization for offline setup. The data field contains the error number. ID 5215

    Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is stopping because it encountered an error. The data field contains the error number. ID 5005

    The WAS service terminated with the following error: ID 7023

    The data is invalid.

    The NetPipeActivator service depends on the WAS service which failed to start because of the following error: ID 7001

    The data is invalid.

    The W3SVC service depends on the WAS service which failed to start because of the following error:

    The data is invalid

    The NetMsmqActivator service depends on the WAS service which failed to start because of the following error:

    The data is invalid.

    The NetTcpActivator service depends on the WAS service which failed to start because of the following error:

    The data is invalid.

    ** Moved from: Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup **
    Zippaks, Jan 22, 2018
  3. sugen Win User
    WM6 Hang!

    Hi Support,

    For the second issue, the error message is "operation failed". That is all... And the GMS phone service is not available.Is there any place that WM will keep a log on any error message ? ?
    sugen, Jan 22, 2018
  4. EdTittel Win User

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010

    Are you perchance trying to access an older SQL Server? If so, you may find this support note from MS interesting and informative: Otherwise, I don't see anything about a failure to launch the WMI Service Provider that really makes sense.
    EdTittel, Jan 22, 2018
  5. pdoth Win User
    Many thanks for the reply Ed. Although I am familiar with the purpose of an SQL server I'm struggling to understand how that applies in this particular case.

    A few days ago my PC became unresponsive whilst in general use. I brought up the Task Manager to see if there was any issues causing this and noticed that WMiPRvSE.exe was hogging over 60% of available CPU. This continued for approx 30min until I got scared something was amiss so I took drastic action........... I pressed 'restart'.

    Now for the next 3 days I have been getting the above error message in Event Manager and it keeps repeating every 3min. I had assumed the best thing to do was either "find the missing file" indicated in the message or, try to stop the error message repeating. Both options of which at this time are beyond my understanding. I am also at a lose to understand why there seems to be very little information on this error or the error ID 1010 related to this event?

    Am I the only person ever to have suffered this?
    pdoth, Jan 23, 2018
  6. TMSharks Win User
    I have the exact same issue. I restarted WmiPrvSE.exe as well in an attempt to reduce the CPU usage (bad mistake). Now WMI won't launch, because it can't find WmiPrvSE.exe at C:\Windows\wmi, even though the .exe is still located in that location. I'm also getting the error 1010 in Event Viewer.

    Currently trying to see if the WmiPrvSE.exe is corrupted by replacing it with a WmiPrvSE.exe file from a clean system. Besides that, I haven't found a fix for it yet, but I'll keep you up to date if I do find one.
    TMSharks, Jan 23, 2018
  7. pdoth Win User
    Thank goodness I'm not alone with this. I was beginning to think this was yet another 'clitch' that only I had and once more (it has happened several times in the past) there is no solution.

    I did read one thread which tried what you are suggesting but this didn't seem to work either. It appears that the Wmi file needs to be specific to your OS.

    Please, please keep me informed of anything you find.

    pdoth, Jan 23, 2018
  8. EdTittel Win User

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010

    I can't find any info on this anywhere, either -- except for this thread! I'm going to post up on the MVP forums and see if anybody else knows anything there. I'll report back, yea or nay, but am hopeful that the group may come up with something, in its collective wisdom.
    Stay tuned!
    EdTittel, Jan 23, 2018
  9. TMSharks Win User
    Thanks so much! I've not found much myself, especially no fix, but event manager refers to not being able to find C:\Windows\wmi\WmiPrvSE.exe, while I previously found WmiPrvSE.exe in the location C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe.

    Turns out there are other locations for WmiPrvSE.exe (one more in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe), all of which give an error message when activated: "Windows cannot find 'C:\location of WmiPrvSE.exe'. Make sure you've typed the name in correctly, then try again". All versions of WmiPrvSE.exe seem to not be found by Windows, even though I can physically see them in File Explorer.

    Hence, I'd assume that the problem we're experiencing with WMI (or WMS) is definitely caused by WmiPrvSE.exe. It could maybe be a directory issue, as Windows can't find them? Anyhow, I'm still looking, but Google doesn't come up with much except for this thread.

    I checked with another computer that wasn't experiencing this issue (also running the latest version of Win 10), but I can't even seem to find the C:\Windows\wmi folder on that PC. Don't think that's relevant though.

    I downloaded the WMI Diagnosis tool from here, and ran it. It came up with a pretty long log, showing a bunch of errors that I can't fully understand. What I have gathered from it is that there's files missing in the WMI repository, which I've already verified and reset according to these instructions (I'm unsure of what else to do). I've also ran the sfc /scannow command in hopes to repair corrupted files, but it couldn't find any files in need of repair.

    I've attached it to this post if anyone's interested. There's a lot of There's a lot of WMI connection errors in that seem to be caused by invalid permissions, but these are for ROOT/ 'namespaces', which I'm totally unfamiliar with so I won't touch them.
    TMSharks, Jan 23, 2018
  10. EdTittel Win User
    According to fellow MVP Nick Pellatt here's what may be up:
    So, I did then what I should've done with the original post -- namely search out all the places where the WmiPrvSE.exe file resides on my healthy system(s). Here's how I responded:

    So, on a 64-bit system the one in SysWOW64 is the one that should matter. So now I find myself asking instead "Why is the error complaining about a directory that doesn't exist?" Whoever's seeing this might want to try setting up the C:\Windows\WMI folder and populating it with the file, and see if that does anything.

    It's even stranger than it looks and sounds, I'm afraid. Shoot me a link to that WMI diagnostic tool, please, and I will poke around with that as well. Odd!

    EdTittel, Jan 23, 2018
  11. TMSharks Win User
    Here's the link to the diagnostics tool that I used. It says it isn't compatible with Win 10, but when run as a command it works just fine.

    It spits out a lengthy log that I'm still going through to see what I can gather (to the best of my abilities).

    It's really strange though, because the C:\Windows\wmi folder on my PC doesn't only exist, but is populated with two executables: WmiPrvSE.exe and netmon.exe. I checked with another healthy PC, and the folder doesn't exist there either. So I'm even more confused about that folder.

    I greatly appreciate the help so far, thank you very much!
    TMSharks, Jan 23, 2018
  12. Eagle51 Win User
    Hey TMSharks,
    If you haven't already, try running the following see what/if anything they show ?

    sfc /scannow
    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
    Eagle51, Jan 23, 2018
  13. EdTittel Win User

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010

    Dear TMSharks:
    Here's another, very interesting response from fellow MVP Greg Carmack:
    This looks worth digging into: I've found the HowToGeek enormously helpful over the years.
    EdTittel, Jan 24, 2018
  14. TMSharks Win User
    I've run sfc /scannow again, just to be sure, but I hadn't ran Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth yet.

    Having done so, it unfortunately seems that neither commands find anything. sfc /scannow comes up with no corrupted files, and Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth does its thing but the issue persists. I do appreciate the suggestions, though!

    Edit: Am currently trying the HowToGeek fix. I can already say that the process ID in the errors links to the MalwareBytes application. I'll try uninstalling that, see how it goes
    TMSharks, Jan 24, 2018
  15. TMSharks Win User
    Okay, so the HowToGeek method didn't fully solve my issue, but did give some insight. I uninstalled MalwareBytes, but now a new process is identified by Event Viewer in the errors for Windows Management Instrumentation: svchost.exe. I'd assume that this is the Service Host for WMI. Unsure what could be done to fix that error.

    But here's the thing I'm confused about. In Services, I can three relevant separate services: Windows Management Instrumentation, WMI and WMI Performance Adapter. Windows Management Instrumentation starts and stops without problem. However, it is the Service called WMI that cannot be started, giving the aforementioned "WmiPrvSE.exe cannot be found". Yet, when I click on properties for this WMI service, it says that the display name is WMI, yet its service name is WMS.

    So here's where I'm stuck, is this WMI (or WMS) different from Windows Management Instrumentation? This WMI (I'll call it WMS from now on to avoid confusion) has a path to C:\Windows\wmi\netmon.exe. Yet, this folder doesn't exist on any PC but my own. Do you guys see the WMS service (with a display name of WMI), or is me seeing that service maybe indicative of the larger problem?

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010 [​IMG]

    Screenshot of the WMS process with its path to executable. This is the Service that gives the error "WmiPrvSE.exe not found" when I attempt to start it (which always fails)

    UPDATE: Source of the error for WMS (WMI display name) comes from "nssm", shown below:

    Failed to start service WMS - Error Id 1010 [​IMG]

    Doing some research, that's something called the "Non-Sucking Service Manager". Now, I'm not sure if that comes with Windows 10, but I don't remember installing it. Is this program the cause of the issues, or may it just be the program reporting the error?
    TMSharks, Jan 24, 2018

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